Super-Highway in Madagascar
Visiting farmers in Madagascar: going to any length to get there
Madagascar School Bus
Shank’s Mare to interview Farmers near Moramanga, Madagascar
Abandoned house near Moramanga, Madagascar
Promoting North-South Cooperation in Uganda
Coffee Roasting in Mbale, Uganda
Taking note of coffee farmers ideas near Mbale, Uganda
Sunflower demonstration plot, Lira, Uganda
A Bridge Too Far: The Bridge at Arnheim, the Netherlands
Checking Emails at Lake Tana Hotel, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
Meat Market, Pawe Ethiopia: Buon Apetito!
Gumuz hunter, Lower Beles Valley, Ethiopia
Man showing Fish (actually caught by women), Pawe, Ethiopia
Tanqa Traditional Reed Fishing Boat, Lake Tana, Ethiopia
In a field of khat (qat), Zege Peninsula, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
Blue Nile Falls, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, reduced flow due to hydropower
Sileshi Tenna and project assistant, Birra, Bati, Ethiopia
Mulugeta Eyoel returning from interview Birra, Bati, Ethiopia
Jeff in High Khat, Salamane, Bati, Ethiopia
Rope-and-washer pump for groundwater irrigation, Bati, Ethiopia
Afar pastoralists celebrating with Oromo neighbors, Bati, Ethiopia
Bati Woreda Landscape with livestock and farmers, Bati, Ethiopia
Elderly People in Omorate, SNNPR, Ethiopia
Pottery and her handiwork, Konzo, Ethiopia
Team presenting CHF Food Security Lessons Learned Study, Bati, Ethiopia
Irrigation system inauguration, with camels, Bati Woreda Ethiopia
Evaluating goat credit scheme, Gure, Bati, Ethiopia
With Iskandar Bakri Aceh
Happy Birthday Jeff!
With Indonesia Marine Fisheries Strategy
Study Staff
Happy Birthday Jeff!
With Indonesia Marine Fisheries Strategy
Study Staff
Threshing Grain with Oxen, Ethiopia
Classmates Reunited with Ethiopian School
With Dr. Tessfaye Assefa, Ag Econ, Univ.
of Wisconsin