the past quarter of a century, Jeff Dorsey has been called upon
to provide answers affecting on-going projects to evaluate and improve
their performance and for new projects to design their various components
to meet project goals. He has written macroeconomic and country
analyses for IFAD development projects. He has been responsible
for agricultural export marketing policy analyses in countries such
as Belize and Honduras, analyses of liberalization of agricultural
marketing policies in Mozambique, of the market
potential for root and tuber crops in Sierra Leone and Guinea and
for cashews in Mozambique, the Philippines and Uganda, of agribusiness
and processing industries, and employment and poverty alleviation
issues in a number of countries. He designed a program to establish
a financial analysis capability for potable water and wastewater
investment projects in Egypt’s Nile River valley. He designed
a farm-level survey-based monitoring and evaluation program for
an irrigation project in Morocco. In Malawi, he designed a microfinance programs for Save the Children (USA) to assist women widowed by AIDS to set up micro enterprises of their own and also a fisheries and aquaculture credit program for GTZ. He has led a large team of consultants in the design of a regional growth corridor for the Ethiopian Government and the World Bank.
Jeff has led and worked with teams on evaluations of many different types of donor-funded projects. He has also been involved in an assessment of data quality of indicators used in monitoring, managing and evaluating USAID projects. These include evaluations of USAID-funded projects on agricultural cooperatives in Ethiopia and agricultural and natural resource management projects in Guinea, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Senegal and Peru. He has also developed intervention strategies for farmers' associations for SIDA, for microfinance for CIDA and income-generating activities for DfID in northern Uganda. He has also prepared agricultural, crop and fisheries sector assessments and strategies in both Africa and Asia. His work also includes the design of systems to minimize corruption in donor programs and to maximize accountability for resources provided.
August to December 2012 Company Manager focusing on new business development for own consulting company in Bamako, Mali to provide services to Government, donors and private agencies and companies in good governance and agriculture, business, credit and development, with particular focus on appropriate systems for financial control and for assuring results from commensurate with outlays and interventions.
January to July 2012 (various times) Proposal Writer and Agricultural Finance Author/Editor for providing sections on rural finance and employment for proposals and editing a manual on agricultural finance for banks and microfinance institutions in Africa embarking on lending programs for agriculture.
6 November to 20 December 2011 Team Leader, Ghana for an evaluation assessing advocacy training farmer-based organizations, coalition-building and improved interaction and services of local authorities.
14 September to 2009 to 13 September 2010 Rural Credit and Financial Services Specialist, Mali setting up a system to guarantee access to finance for farmers, women and their producer organizations, promoting value-chain financing, and designing a land payment system to provide beneficiaries of an irrigation project with titles to their land and improved access to medium-term finance.
24 August to 14 September 2009 Economy and Market Development Expert in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) for the design of SIDA's pro-poor, gender-sensitive, and market-oriented development program, recommending institutional partnerships and geographical areas of concentration.
October 2008 to April 2009 Team Leader in Ethiopia for the World Bank-financed "Tana Beles Growth Corridor Endowments, Potentials and Constraints" study for the Ministry of Water Resources designing a growth strategy based on development of irrigation, regional marketing, finance, public-private partnerships and agribusiness.
7 January to the 15 October 2008 Team Leader in Ethiopia for the World Bank-financed "Tana Beles Growth Corridor Endowments, Potentials and Constraints" study for the Ministry of Water Resources analyzing growth based on development of irrigation, regional marketing, finance, public-private partnerships and agribusiness.
14 August to October 9 2007 Proposal Writer, Uganda carrying out fieldwork in northern Uganda, meeting local authorities, development partners and recruiting prospective staff and local subcontractors, arranging public-private partnerships and preparing the technical proposal for USAID's SPRING project.
29 June to 7 August 2007 Team Leader, Uganda evaluating USAID's agricultural productivity enhancement project (APEP) related to technological adoption, increased production, producer organizations, group marketing, credit linkages and public-private partnerships.
29 June to 7 August 2007 Team Leader, Uganda evaluating USAID's agricultural productivity enhancement project (APEP) related to technological adoption, increased production, producer organizations, group marketing, credit linkages and public-private partnerships.
November 2007 Agribusiness Expert designing methodology for an evaluation of USAID projects in Serbia.
14 August – October 9 2007 Proposal Writer, Uganda carrying out fieldwork in northern Uganda, meeting local authorities, development partners and recruiting prospective staff and local subcontractors, arranging public-private partnerships and preparing the technical proposal for USAID’s SPRING project.
29 June – 7 August 2007 Team Leader, Uganda evaluating USAID’s agricultural productivity enhancement project related to technological adoption, increased production, producer organizations, group marketing, linkages to financial institutions, and public-private partnerships.
5-21 May, 2007 Team leader Conakry, Guinea for the agriculture and natural resource management component of a better governance project during the start-up phase, preparing protocols for future collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and contacting UN agencies concerning relevant activities.
18 February to 31 March, 2007 Team Leader, Madagascar for an evaluation of Food Security Project based in Moramanga with Title II funding from USAID. The evaluation covered contributions to improving agricultural production & marketing, health, family-planning & nutrition, road & irrigation infrastructure, natural resource management, & land tenure; proposed major changes in ADRA operations and supervision.
26 November 2006 to January 19, 2007 Agricultural Economist, Senegal for an evaluation of a USAID-funded natural resource management project, responsible for analyzing the economic pillar of a tripartite strategy of nature, wealth and power. Analysis focused on how project interventions increasing income from forest and non-traditional agricultural products and revenues to local government succeeded in raising community interest in improved management of community forests and other resources.
2 June to 24 June 2007
Enterprise Specialist, Huambo, Angola analyzing potential business opportunities arising in peri-urban and rural areas due to improvement in property rights.
27 October to 18 November 2005
Proposal writer at ARD Inc. for USAID/Ethiopia’s Agribusiness and Trade Expansion Activity writing sections on strategy and major crops.
18 June to 15 July 2005
Team Leader/Strategic Planning Specialist for SIDA developing a strategic plan to guide Uganda Beef Producers’ Association in improving services to members, generating additional revenue to increase its sustainability, expanding membership to cover a broader spectrum of livestock producers, processors and input suppliers, and making the association more representative of the interests of stakeholders in the beef and meat sub sectors.
17 February to 15 April 2005
Agricultural Credit and Marketing Specialist for an evaluation of USAID’s Agricultural Cooperatives in Ethiopia (ACE) program managed by ACDI/VOCA, responsible for writing the evaluation report analyzing program impact on numbers of cooperatives, volume of business, formation of savings and credit cooperatives, training activities, and farmer incomes, livelihoods and food security.
25 November 2004 to January 10, 2005
Team Leader/Agricultural Economist for ADRA Guinea, responsible for the final evaluation of its USAID-funded PADRAS project improving food security through new farming technologies, natural resource management, and income-generating activities. Recommendations covered a sustainable exit strategy for the microfinance component, the need to use farm chemicals (including insecticides), and improvements in the monetization of PL-480 Title II vegetable oil.
18 March to 2 May 2004
Income-Generating Activity Specialist for the Government of Mozambique’s Ministry of Women and Coordination of Social Action, training social action staff in program design and implementation, evaluating its on-going support to income-generating activities for welfare recipients, and proposing changes in selected activities to reduce risks and to improve success rate of welfare recipients in setting up their own micro enterprises.
18 October 2003 to January
26 2004
Agricultural Economist on
an ARD team preparing an Agricultural Sector Assessment for USAID/Guinea,
focusing on the contribution of the sector to poverty reduction.
Responsible for preparing in-depth analysis of key agricultural
sub sectors and identify their constraints, opportunities and potential
interventions over the next five years. Work include in-depth studies
of major crops such as cashews, oil palm, rice, irrigated dry season
vegetables, marine and continental fisheries and aquaculture, and
the marketing of fertilizer and other farm chemicals, and contributing
to analysis of the financial sector and its support to agricultural
marketing and production.
11 February to 15 March, 2003
Senior Trade Analyst,
Bamako, Mali for the preparation of a proposal in response to a
USAID RFP for an agricultural trade promotion project. Responsible
for analysis of the trade impacts of civil war in Ivory Coast, border-trade,
irrigated rice sector (production, milling and marketing), horticultural
crops, quality assurance and control systems (laboratories, HAACP,
etc.), infrastructure, MIS and information and communication programs,
and trade and marketing finance.
31 October to 18 December 2002
Senior Agricultural and Food Security
Analyst on an evaluation team
USAID/Malawi’s program for increasing rural incomes, assessing
the impact of 1) the consolidation of the national smallholder's
producers organization (NASFAM) as a major trading company for exporting
and processing smallholder agricultural products, 2) a dairy industry
development program with Land O’Lakes, 3) the expansion of
rural credit unions, and 4) an HYV-seed-and-fertilizer-for-work
project improving food security for low-income families while improving
their road access.
1 September to 26 October 2002
Agricultural Marketing Policy Analyst
funded by IFAD for the Agricultural Policy
Support Project (PAMA) in Mozambique, reviewing the literature and
current studies related to agricultural marketing for small farm,
analyzing policies and legislation, and identifying the institutions
and stakeholders having legitimate interests in agricultural policy
decisions. The report analyzes the existing policy formulation process
and proposes a framework in which PAMA can operate to improve transparency,
ensure small farmers input into the decision-making process and
accelerate changes in marketing policies and procedures favouring
small farmers and their associations.
1 July to 3 August 2002
Economic Analyst, funded by CARE International on behalf of a consortium of NGOs, responsible for collecting data, modeling the cost of 16 years of conflict in northern Uganda’s Acholiland to the regional and national economies, and contributing to a negotiated solution.
13 April 2002 to 13 June 2002
Marketing and Rural Enterprise Development
Expert, DFID-funded project for
Teso and Lango farming systems (Soroti and Lira districts in northern
Uganda), analyzing marketing and enterprise development constraints
and identifying opportunities for new and existing crop and livestock
activities and service sector businesses, with the aim of integrating
this market-oriented focus into the research program of the National
Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) and into the extension
activities of the National Agricultural Advisory Service (NAADS)
in its support formation and development of producer organizations,
and of creating specialized competitive grant funds for marketing
and enterprise development studies to encourage businesses to expand
and to take advantage of the opportunities emerging in the regions.
29 April to 29 May, 2000
Rural Organizations Specialist,
Mali, Ethiopia, Uganda and Malawi, analyzing technical and financial
support to producers’ organizations in Africa for improving
collective marketing, input supply and service provision to members.
A major focus of the study was on the process of building trust
and long-term relationships between producer organizations and the
processors, traders and agroexporters buying their products. The
report made recommendations for strategies to improve USAID’s
support for rural producers’ associations throughout Africa.
January 29 to March 12, 2000
Senior Institutional Management Specialist,
Egypt, assessing impacts of the
research, design and implementation and the monitoring, verification
and evaluation units on success of an agricultural policy reform
program. The major focus of this program is on improving the regulatory
environment and enabling rules and acts governing agribusinesses
and exporters of Egyptian farm products, including aquaculture.
October 2 to November 12, 1999
Farmer Organization Specialist, Mozambique,
responsible for an assessment of farmer associations supported by
USAID/Mozambique and US NGOs to determine “Best Practices” to achieve results in collective marketing of agricultural products.
Support provide by US and UK NGOs (CLUSA, CARE, World Vision, ACDI/VOCA,
Freedom from Hunger, etc.) to farmer organizations and by TechnoServe
and the Cashew Industry Support project (Nampula) to processors
and agribusinesses was also analyzed. Best practices were identified
and recommendations made for linking farmer organizations with agribusinesses
engaged in marketing, processing and exporting.
July 31 to September 17, 1999
Labor Economist, Cashew Processing Industry
Study, Mozambique funded by World
Bank responsible for analyzing jobs losses in old capital-intensive
factories and determining appropriate compensation for workers.
Potential gains in employment in new small plants using appropriate
(Indian) labor-intensive technologies in cashew processing were
estimated. Proposals were concerning marketing constraints on establishing
new, small-scale plants and for raw cashew exports.
May 13 to 4 July 4, 1998
Land Tenure Analyst,
Guyana preparing a program and financing mechanism for conversion
of land leases to freehold property, establishing criteria and priorities
for areas and farmers to be covered in initial years of program
operation. The impact of the change-over to freehold tenure on the
development of farm-processing and non-farm rural businesses was
also assessed.
January 31 to March 29, 1998
Rural Savings and Credit and Microenterprise
Development Expert in Senegal
analyzing credit requirements of natural resource management activities
and micro enterprises in rural communities and designing a credit
component in partnership with this USAID-financed NRM project and
local financial institutions.
April 6, 1997- 10 October,
Microfinance Expert and Operations Analyst
preparing the African Development Fund's
US$ 10 million Microfinance Initiative for Africa (AMINA) proposal
to support urban and rural micro enterprises. Work also included
up-dating the African Development Bank operations manual.
5 July to 9 August 1996
Agricultural Economist Sierra
Leone analyzing the commercial market for cassava, sweet potatoes
and yams in the fresh food market and processed (gari) for storage
and export. Recommendations were made on the need for warehousing
at the port and for working capital for an agricultural marketing
company supporting marketing activities for all IFAD-funded projects
in the country.
27 April to 11 May 1996
Agricultural Economist for FAO, Ethiopia estimating costs and assisting in the design of trials for treatment of external parasites in sheep and goats to improve the quality of skins and facilitate the production of export-quality hides for the European market.
3 March to 17 April 1996
Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist,
Morocco, designing a farm-level data collection and analysis system
to monitor progress in achieving the production, marketing and income
objectives of a USAID-funded irrigation project.
10 April to 3 May 1995
Agricultural Economist,
Guinea evaluating income-generating activities encouraged by a USAID-funded
natural resources management project in the Fouta-Djallon highlands,
including markets and finance for dry-season vegetable production
and non-agricultural small businesses. The shortage of finance as
a constraint to the development of these enterprises was also analyzed.
9 January to 7 March 1995
Agribusiness and Marketing Consultant,
Mozambique responsible for an impact analysis of imports of US-made
equipment and food on farm production and on establishing free markets
in farm inputs and agricultural products. Managers of agricultural
processing and marketing businesses were also interviewed, and an
assessment was made of the commodity import program’s impacts
on improving the ability of these enterprises to compete in the
liberalized Mozambican economy.
3 to 19 January 1994 and 15 November to 23 December 1993
Agricultural Economist, Eritrea responsible for economic analysis and design of the credit component. The project focused on rehabilitating production using spate irrigation to permit self-sufficiency in grain. The proposal to reestablish of off-season vegetable production oriented toward export to the Italian market was also analyzed.
15 August to 4 October 1993
Agricultural Economist,
Bolivia, Colombia and Peru evaluating the alternative development
strategy of providing marketing support and community infrastructure
to encourage switching from coca production to other crops. Small
processing plants funded by UNIDO were analyzed.
10 July to 10 August 1993
Economist, Bangkok, Asia and Pacific Region, FAO analyzing the regional fertilizer market including production, marketing, consumption and trade.
11 February to 20 May 1993
Agricultural Economist,
Belize, FAO analyzing Government’s import substitution policy
for raw and processed agricultural and livestock products; a recommendation
was made to support non-traditional farm exports to the North American
market. Subsequently at the request of FAO, a proposal for Belize
for a study of non-traditional exports was prepared and approved
for funding.
4 April to 10 August 1992 and
8 August to 22 December 1991
Team Leader/ Agricultural Economist,
Uganda funded by AfDB responsible for designing a national lending
program for farmers, artisanal fishermen and other rural small businessmen
and women.
20 October 1990 to 19 February 1991
Institutional analyst for USAID-funded agricultural sector assistance program in Zimbabwe, evaluating a commodity import program and the impact of individual rural development projects financed by local currency revenues.
10 August to 29 September 1990
Agricultural Economist,
Chapare, Bolivia, evaluating a USAID-funded crop and livestock production
alternatives to coca production supported by cash grants for eradication,
land titles, credit and basic infrastructure. Various processing
and product marketing enterprises were analyzed.
13 March 17 May 1990
Economic Analyst and Credit Expert,
Honduras, analyzing marketing mechanisms and loan portfolios of
the agricultural cooperatives packing and exporting melons and other
non-traditional products to the North American market.
10 August to 10 October 1989
Financial Analyst,
Cairo, Egypt, USAID-funded, developing an economic and financial
analysis capability for the analysis of potable water and sewerage
investment projects in the Nile River valley and delta.
10 August to 10 October 1989
Financial Analyst,
Cairo, Egypt, USAID-funded, developing an economic and financial
analysis capability for the analysis of potable water and sewerage
investment projects in the Nile River valley and delta.
21 October to 23 December 1988
Agricultural Economist, Honduras, for a USAID-funded policy study analyzing exchange rate, land tenure, marketing, export disincentives and financial constraints on private sector investment in production and processing of domestic and export crops.
Nov. 1987 to April 1988
Senior Economist for Latin America, IFAD, Rome responsible for preparing macroeconomic and agricultural country assessments for proposed projects.
11 October to 1 November 1987
Consultant, FAO, Swaziland reporting on a results of a marketing project for reporting crop and livestock prices; marketing margins for the maize-milling industry were analyzed.
March 1985
Agricultural Economist, Honduras, USAID-funded evaluating the financial and institutional viability of the Federation of Coffee Producers and member cooperatives.
8 July to 30 August 1983
Credit Consultant, Haiti. USAID analyzing group credit provided to small farmers and the implications of proposed lending for large-scale private sector agribusiness investments.
March to July 1979
Consultant, International Labour Organization, Santiago, Chile analyzing changes in employment and labour structures on large farms in Chile's Central Valley between 1966 and 1975.